India Ministries

Through Check or Money Order
Ichthus India Ministries
1706 Front Street #547
Lynden, WA 98264
Ichthus India Ministries
1706 Front Street #547
Lynden WA 98264
Financial contributions to Ichthus India Ministries are tax exempt. You will receive an end of the year giving statement for tax purposes.
Ichthus India Ministries maintains control over all contributions and has the discretion to determine how best to use contributions to carry out its functions and purposes. However we will make every effort to honor the donor's wishes to direct the donation toward the purpose that it was given for.
If you have a specific project that you would like to donate to, please indicate this on your check or on PayPal in the "Add special instructions to the seller" link as you finish your transaction.
Ichthus India Ministries operates on donated labor and we strive to keep all of our costs as low as possible. We will send 99% of your donation directly to India, while 1% is used to cover office and administration costs.
Thank you for supporting Ichthus India Ministries. For additional information regarding the organization's activities or financial information, Ichthus India Ministries is registered with the State Charities Program as required by law. More information can be obtained about the contact information for our registered charity by emailing us.